I Love Earth Concert (December 23 2007)

Publié le par GG team

This is an exclusive video of the "I Love Earth" Concert held at the Nara Hyakunen Kaikan, on December 2007 in Japan.
Gilles Gambus performed his major theme with a Grand Orchestra made up of 60 Music School students.
This inspired performance leads us to an amazing trip at the heart of the universe!
Chek this out!

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La vidéo du concert en décembre 2007 m'a rappelé de très bon souvenir du jour où nous j'y étais !! Ce fut un concert en OR !!
This music is absolutely awesome! The whole 'I love Earth' CD is great! Thanx Mr.Gilles gambus!
This is a very nice concert video! I would like to personnaly meet Gilles Gambus!
This is a very nice concert video! I would like to personnaly meet Gilles!
This concert at the 100 Century Hall was unnforgettable! He chose the best students of the Nara Music School to take part of it. This video shows the beginning of the Concert, when Gilles Gambus came into the stage. I could feel how deeply moved the audience was when he came on!